On-court energy management

Last week our team of sport psychologists was working with our tennis players on their energy management on the court. The players played with different levels of mental and bodily arousal - they were supposed to play excessively relaxed, overenergised and in the process to look for the level of arousal facilitating their performance on the court.

These exercises were followed with an exercise with cups of water - in this one they were to play tennis while holding cups of water in their opposite hand. The goal behind it was to work on the coordination of their movements and increase their body awareness. The idea underlying this type of training is to help players find the optimal level of energy for their on-court performance.

On Thursday the work on arousal continued with the use of biofeedback technology. The sensors give us the opportunity to see our body reactions on the screen. In the exercise when players relax, they move the car in the video game; there is no joystick. It allows them to adjust their levels of arousal control for optimal performance and transfer the insights on the court.


BTA Programmes from Home


Running and plyometrics on the beach